Saturday, September 27, 2008

Business Class

A couple years ago, Marcel called me up and asked me to accompany him to a speaking engagement in Riverside. He had been invited to talk to a group of business students about his experience compiling a CD of christian recording artists. 

I tagged along and brought my guitar at his suggestion. His rationale was, "well, you're a christian artist, so if they have questions that would be better suited for an artist, you can field those questions." 

Ok, cool. Makes sense. 

We get there, find the classroom, Marcel says hello to the professor and introduces me. Class begins, professor introduces Marcel, he does a marvelous job explaining the details and logistics of forming a compilation. I sit there listening, thinking how cool is it that a business class has a term assignment of recording and marketing a CD? 

Q&A time comes. Marcel fields several questions about producing concert events and promoting cd projects. Then he tosses me a question about the artist's perspective. 

Now, let me say this. I'm the tag-along to Marcel's gig. So I'm really relaxed. I'm not here to sell anything. I have no agenda. I'm in here-with-him mode. But I am holding a guitar and I'm being asked questions, so I start talking from the heart. I'm saying exactly what I think, because it will help these guys with their project. The better their information about the artist perspective, the more effective they'll be at producing their compilation. 

Fielded some questions, sang a couple songs, next thing I know the class is singing with me. What a great feeling! One of the students says, "why don't we have this guy on the compilation?" 
I'm thinking, "Yeah. Excellent question, young man." Extra credit for the brilliant young fellow in the front row there.  

Professor says, "you can do whatever you want to do, but remember that you set parameters for your artists based on the demographic you want to market. One of those parameters was 29 or younger..."

He turns to me. 
"How old are you?"
I'm deflating as I face the reality. Record labels aren't looking for a guy my age. Heck, business students aren't even looking for a guy my age. 
Ah well, I've had a great time, and I'll certainly remember the time a classroom full of business students sang with me. Glad I could help, Marcel was awesome. It was a good evening, no matter how you look at it.

Class is over, we chat with a couple students who have more questions and comments, thank the professor for having us, and head to the car. It's gonna be an hour back to LA. 

We're about to leave, the professor comes out to the parking lot. 

"Hey I like your music. I own a small record label, and I'd like to produce your record." 

The beginning of an amazing friendship.  That was 2006. We've traveled a ways since then.

What is it with me and parking lots? 

A single phrase to describe my friend Tom Macomber: Professor Attorney Banjo-man Producer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, what is it with you and parking lots? "In My Father's House" aka "The Parking Lot Song." I'll never forget the day you first sang that song with the caveat that you had just written it in the parking lot a few minutes before singing it. So what is the universe trying to tell you? :)

Miss you,