Sunday, October 26, 2008


Ever planned to go somewhere and then you arrive and find out your friend isn't allowed to go in with you? It wasn't cause he's black or anything.
At least they gave us a recommendation for another spot nearby. 
So now we gotta make a decision. Are we going to keep the group together and just go someplace else, or split up? Some go to the original destination and the rest take the 5-minute detour? I have to go with him. He can't drive, and he did come with me, so I'm responsible for him.

Not to mention, I owe him a lot. We've been friends for a long time. 

Today Sandy and Kristin and I were planning to hike in Malibu Creek State Park, but when we arrived I learned that my dog is not allowed in the park. The Park Ranger was very kind and recommended another great place to walk or hike, the Paramount Ranch, just 5 minutes away. 

I met Vegas at the North Hollywood pound. My guess is black lab and dalmatian. And the energy level to back it up. Always ready to start playtime, not always ready to stop. Today we hiked until he couldn't go any further. At one point he just lay down in the middle of the trail and looked up at me, like "I'm done. You guys go on if you want to--I'll be right here"

Interesting how friendships are cyclical. 10 years ago I rescued him from a small, confined, empty, hollow, alone space. Now he comes to my rescue. Sometimes it's easy to get locked into one role or another in a relationship. Like, I'm the one helping you. Or, I'm the one being helped. I truly enjoy those relationships where we help each other. Like me and my dog.

Sandy, Kristin, thank you for coming on our detour. That was very gracious of you.


A single phrase to describe my friend Vegas: Rescue(R) Loyal


Thursday, October 16, 2008


From a thousand miles away, I can hear the twinkle in his eyes. Even on the telephone I can tell he means it when he says hello. 

Everyone needs mentors. Today Leslie was talking about the Donald Miller ad campaign for mentors.  I guess that's what put Jim on my mind. Haven't spoken to him in a couple weeks. 

About 5 years ago when my life was at all-time low, I knew I didn't know what I needed to know, but if you don't know what you don't know, how are you ever going to find out? Well, I think that's when I recalled something Bill Gould used to say: "Find somebody who has what you want, do what they do, and you'll get what they got!"

I remember looking at Jim and his family and thinking, I want what they have. His wife and daughters love this man. I watch them adore him and I realize the secret that was not so obvious to me 5 years ago. He adores them every bit as much. More, is it possible, he adores them more? 

I remember thinking if I could just hang around and watch him, I might learn to have a family like that one day.  One time back at Open Door, I remember him praying that I would learn to love with "unfeigned love."

Which means what? 

It means love that's not fakin'.  The real deal. I'm-in-it-with-you-for-the-long-haul kind of love. 

This man is crazy talented. He's a brilliant guitarist. He's a gifted and passionate worship leader. I take my shoes off when I lead worship--got that from him.  As a professional, he plans timelines for public construction.  And if you're ever nearby when he fires up the barbecue grill, ask no questions; just go find a plate. 

I love this man for so many reasons. He's been a brother to me. 

Sometimes people say they're gonna pray for you, but I don't always take comfort in that cause they may forget about it next time their favorite tv show comes on. If this guy says he's praying for you, consider yourself prayed for. 

I'm so honored to know a man married 30 years and still in love with his bride.  Happy Anniversary, my dear friends. Here's to the Jim & Penny Show. 

A single phrase to describe my friend Jim Cook: Barefoot Worship Protector