Thursday, March 26, 2009

At least one

Office phone rings...

"Good afternoon, Hollywood Adventist Church, this is Lennox."

Voice on the other end: "What's up, Lenny Len! I'm heading your way. 
Got a spot in North Hollywood to show you."

I've been hoping to catch up with this guy for a few weeks now. He's got a lot going on, so I completely understand when our schedules don't coincide. 

California Subs turns out to be everything he promised. Their mixed fruit smoothie and Italian Sub on sourdough leave nothing to be desired.

We talk about his growing success as an actor. His recent performance on CBS's Cold Case airs May 3. 

I once asked him why it is that he gets roles when others can't even get auditions.  He said, "You gotta know what you want and if anyone says you can't have it, that should upset you. If you tell me I can't get it, that pisses me off."

Today he adds, "I would much rather live on the dangerous side, than not realize my full potential."

I ask him what he likes so much about acting. He says it's the chance to feel so many different life experiences and make them his own. "You can experience firsthand what people go through."

I ask if he has fans. He replies, "at least one"

He was on audition recently and practicing his lines when another actor, auditioning for the same role, said "You were on Eleventh Hour, right? I only watched one episode and you were in it. I thought you were really good!"

At first he thought someone was playing a joke on him, but then he realized the guy was serious. Amazing to me how humble is this friend of mine, so talented, so informed, so brilliant. 

I'm also a fan. I'd say you now have at least two fans, sir. My guess is there will be thousands more. 

A single phrase to describe my friend Dennis Hill: Actor Ambassador King

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Other African

She pulled me aside on the ramp outside the main room at church. She's so fun. Exciting to be around. Some people just have that presence. It's not that she talks all that much or cracks jokes all the time, because she doesn't. But there's such fire in her eyes, you definitely sense a real live person in there watching you. Dancing with you, even when you're standing still. 

She's said so many encouraging things to me before. From the first moment we met, she's been building me up. 

She says I'm a gifted musician, and what musician doesn't love that? She says I'm a great songwriter and guitarist. I'm eating this stuff up. When she slows me down this day on the way out of church, I'm braced for another helping of compliments, thank you very much.  

"You were great today, Len"

"Thanks." I'm smiling. Yeah, I like this. 

"Do you believe all that stuff you were saying?"

"Yeah, of course. Don't you?" 

Strange question. Seems an odd way to set up the next compliment. But I'm down with variety. 

"So how come you're not living it?"

"huh?"    and by huh,  I mean "What the...?"

"It's called Lip Service, Len. Clever words about how much you love God and how much you love your wife, but that's not what your actions represent. When are you going to stop paying Lip Service and actually live the stuff you say?"

Emotional Response In My Head: "Who the hell do you think you are, Merna Osborne? And what gave you the idea I want your opinion right now?"
What I Say Out Loud: "duh, ah, um, well, ayah, uh, hmmmm..."

Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful the kisses of an enemy. 

My friends don't always say nice things to me all the time. That's how I know they're my friends. About 5 years ago, my friend asked me some tough questions. I am grateful to her for caring enough to tell me the truth. 

 A single phrase to describe my friend Merna Osborne: Dancing Spirit Action