Friday, August 14, 2009

Video Bromance

I've never registered for stuff before. Say you're getting married in a few months, like November-ish. You can go to the store and make a list of stuff you want and if your friends like you enough, they'll buy this stuff for you! 

I am not making this up. Seriously!

Ok, I realize this isn't news to most of you, but apparently I've led a very sheltered life...

I went with my friend and his fiancee' to register at Macy's. It's too much fun. They give you a scanner and turn you loose in the store and whatever you scan goes on the magic list. 

I was like, "you get all this free stuff just for getting married?...seriously?"

Shoot, I was about to propose to the next woman that walked through the department. Then I remembered I'm already in love with somebody. Whew, that was close. 

Wednesday night we went to the Icehouse in Pasadena for an evening of stand-up comedy. Good times. 

Sunday morning to the studio for a tracking and mixing session. After the studio we went home and played video games. You don't understand. I do NOT play video games. Heck, I don't play games.  Seriously. . .

It was crazy fun. I don't even know the name of it. Just some racing game where you go as fast as you can until you crash full speed into the side of a mountain, or get bogged in lava and melt into nothing with hardly a whimper. 'Cause you're just that tough. Or maybe 'cause you know you'll be back at the push of a button. 

Between video games and pizza he had a prop-design project and I had to review some notes on the computer. He worked his project; I worked mine. Still counted as hangout time. Conversation comes when it comes. It's perfectly alright to just be in the same space and not say anything. 

I've never been more proud of him than watching him prepare for marriage. It's not a game, and he knows that. There's no reset button, and you can tell he's taking it seriously. 

Day after tomorrow, bright and early, we're going off-road to capture a photo for the single "Smoke and Alcohol," posting to my website first of September. 

Single phrase to describe my friend Sean Amlaner: 
My brother, seriously... 
No, seriously!

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